Just One More Thing


· Business,Sales

“All my life, I kept running into smart people. In school, there were lot’s of smarter kids, and when I first joined the force, sir, they had some very clever people there and I could tell right away it wasn’t going to be easy making detective as long as they were around. But I figured if I worked harder than they did, put in more time, read the books, kept my eyes open, maybe I could make it happen. And I did. And I really love my work, sir.” 

- Lt. Columbo, Bye-Bye Sky-High IQ Murder Case


Over the past 25 years, I have built my professional career almost entirely in sales. I am passionate about achieving great sales and, far more importantly, about exemplifying great salesmanship. In the pursuit of excellence in my field and service to my customers and partners, I have read the books, researched the techniques, attended the seminars, and have done my best to model my mentors over these many years.

The process and enjoyment of sales will forever be a fascination, if not a mystery to me as I never actually planned sales to be my career. So I love the idea of investigating the mystery of this passion, and for an investigation there is likely no one better to turn to than the world's most famous TV detective, the iconic Lt. Columbo, portrayed for over 30 years by actor Peter Falk.

I have been a big fan (maybe the world's biggest fan) of the series since I was a kid, and over the years I've observed that Columbo exhibits so many of the qualities of a great salesman - arriving on the scene, needing to deconstruct and fully understand the situation and the motives of everyone involved, and ultimately crack the case. This is plight of every salesperson.

Unraveling the Mystery of Sales

In the world of sales, success often hinges on the ability to build rapport, ask the right questions, and uncover hidden clues to a customer's needs. It's a delicate balance of charm and curiosity, much like the approach of our favorite TV detective—Lieutenant Columbo. Let's delve into how Columbo's unassuming demeanor and relentless questioning tactics offer valuable lessons for sales professionals.

The Power of Unassuming

Columbo's trademark rumpled raincoat and ever-present cigar might seem out of place in the polished world of sales, but his entire presentation was no accident. With his signature unpretentious, disheveled look and unassuming demeanor, Columbo disarmed people and put them at ease. In sales, a similar approach can work wonders. Appearing approachable and down-to-earth can make clients more receptive to your message and more willing to open up about their needs. I'm not suggesting at all that we should look slovenly or not put together (I believe quite the opposite), only that as we arrive on the scene (be it on location, at the office, on the phone, in all our communications) we should approach our customers in a way that makes them feel comfortable and at ease. An aggressive approach will raise the hackles, so to speak, of the very people we need to work with to provide us the most relevant information to crack the case at hand. A humble, unassuming approach that respects them will more effectively allow for candid conversation that will ultimately provide the clues we need to find common opportunities and be effective.

Building Rapport Through Curiosity

One of Columbo's greatest strengths was his insatiable curiosity. He approached each case with an open mind and a genuine interest in uncovering the truth. Similarly, successful sales professionals approach their interactions with clients with a sense of curiosity and empathy. By asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to the answers (read that again), they can forge deeper connections and gain valuable insights into their clients' motivations. If we give our customers the opportunity to give us the clues, they will. But will we hear the clues? Only if we genuinely listen.

The Art of "Just One More Thing"

Perhaps Columbo's most famous tactic was his use of the "just one more thing" question. This seemingly innocuous phrase often led to breakthroughs in his investigations, as suspects let slip crucial information or revealed hidden motives. In sales, the same principle applies. Knowing when to ask "just one more thing" can keep the conversation going and uncover new opportunities. It's a subtle but powerful technique that can make all the difference in closing a deal. Why does it work so well?

  1. Curiosity and Surprise: When someone says, “just one more thing,” it creates an air of mystery. Our brains are wired to seek closure, so we naturally want to know what that “one more thing” is. It’s like opening a hidden door or unwrapping an unexpected gift – the anticipation keeps us engaged.
  2. Psychological Priming: Starting a question with “just one more thing” primes our minds to pay attention. It signals that what follows is important or unexpected. We become more receptive, ready to process information.
  3. Building Rapport: Using this phrase can also create rapport. It implies that the speaker is sharing something personal or going the extra mile for the listener. It fosters a sense of connection and trust.
  4. Memory Enhancement: The phrase acts as a memory anchor. When we hear it, our brains prepare to retain the upcoming information. It’s like mentally bookmarking a page in a conversation.

So, next time you hear or say “just one more thing,” pay attention – there might be something intriguing waiting for you! 

Putting it Into Practice

So how can sales professionals channel their inner Columbo and apply these lessons in their own work? Start by cultivating a genuine curiosity about your clients and their needs. Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings. Listen actively, and don't be afraid to dig deeper when something piques your interest. And when the conversation seems to be winding down, remember the power of the "just one more thing" question to keep it going and uncover new possibilities.

Conclusion: Closing the Case

In the world of sales, as in detective work, success often depends on our ability to build relationships, ask the right questions, uncover hidden insights, and discover the opportunities. By taking a page from Columbo's playbook and embracing his humble approach and relentless curiosity, sales professionals can unlock new opportunities and close more deals. So the next time you find yourself facing a tough sale, remember to ask your customer "just one more thing", and you'll find the answer.